<![CDATA[Airfreight Workers Accident & Injury Cases]]> https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/category/airfreight-workers-injury-claims en Sun, 23 Feb 2025 05:02:05 +0000 Carrs Solicitors win Air Freight handler’s case https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/carrs-solicitors-win-air-freight-handler-s-case https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/carrs-solicitors-win-air-freight-handler-s-case <p>Carrs have recently achieved a four figure settlement on behalf of an Air Freight Cargo Handler who suffered a soft tissue knee injury whilst working in an airport air freight terminal facility.</p> <p>Our client’s work required him to walk on a roller bed where there was a failure to set up safety railings at the side of the equipment used for access by staff.</p> <p>Liability was denied in full and we commenced Court proceedings on our client’s behalf.</p> <p>In the course of proceedings a request was made on behalf of our client for replies to various questions which were designed to establish the circumstances in which staff members were required as a matter of established practice to use the roller bed in the way alleged by our client.</p> <p>Shortly after this the Defendant decided to enter into negotiations for the first time and a settlement was achieved on a favourable basis shortly afterwards. Sometimes it is necessary to show an opponent that your intent is serious before they are prepared to talk.</p> <p>Following his settlement our client said “Thank you very much for your great help, it was always a pleasure to talk with you. You did such good work for me, thank you again.”</p> <p>In polish:</p> <p>“Dziekuje bardzo za pomoc,za profesjonalna obsluge i zawsze wysoka kulture osobista.”</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Contact Carrs Solicitors</span> or call us at 01204 496898 if you want to make an injury at work claim, you can get professional legal advice from our accident at work solicitors in Bolton.</strong></p> Wed, 25 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000