<![CDATA[Forklift Accident & Injury Cases]]> https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/category/forklift-accident-cases en Sun, 23 Feb 2025 04:30:57 +0000 Forklift Truck Driver injured by rollover whilst using steep ramp at work https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/forklift-truck-driver-injured-by-rollover-whilst-using-steep-ramp-at-work https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/forklift-truck-driver-injured-by-rollover-whilst-using-steep-ramp-at-work <p>Carrs Solicitors have recently reached an out of Court settlement for a matter before Tunbridge Wells County Court for a five figure sum for a wrist injury sustained when our client attempted to negotiate a steep and turning descent on a ramp with a 1:6 gradient whilst trying to reverse past parked work vehicles.</p> <p>The gradient of the ramp was disputed and the site was no longer ocuppied by the employer. We were able to find local authority planning records that had been published under the Freedon of Information Act to prove liability.</p> <p>We were able to successfully argue that the Defendant operated an unsafe system of work, had failed to organise a safe traffic route contrary to Regulation 17 of the Workplace Regulations, and had failed to provide suitable work equipment for use on the ramp contrary to Regulation 4 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations.</p> <p>The Defendant initially denied all knowledge of the accident notwithstanding the fact that the Claimant had been wrongly required to repay for damage caused to the Defendant’s property in the course of the collision.</p> <p>Ultimately the Defendant entered into negotiations shortly before trial and a satisfactory resolution was achieved.</p> <p><strong>Contact Carrs Solicitors or call us on 01204 496898 if you want to make an injury at work claim, you can get professional legal advice from our accident at work solicitors in Bolton.</strong></p> Wed, 25 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 Carrs Solicitors win damages for worker injured in forklift truck accident https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/carrs-solicitors-win-damages-for-worker-injured-in-forklift-truck-accident https://www.carrssolicitors.com/client-stories/carrs-solicitors-win-damages-for-worker-injured-in-forklift-truck-accident <p>Our client was a seasoned forklift truck operator who was injured after attempting to catch another worker falling from a goods vehicle. After witnessing the fall the man instinctively jumped clear of his forklift truck to try and catch his falling colleague, and as a result inadvertently engaged the reverse gear of the truck.</p> <p>This caused the vehicle to turn and pin the claimant against the back of the goods vehicle, leaving him with a crushed pelvis.</p> <p>Using Court of Appeal authority we were able to hold the company who supplied the defective truck liable for our client’s injuries, even though the defective vehicle was not owned by his employer.</p> <p>We used further Court of Appeal authorities in relation to performing a selfless act which resulted in the rescuer also becoming a victim of injury. We were able to succeed with our arguments and recovered significant damages on behalf of the injured party.</p> <h4>Contact Carrs Solicitors</h4> <p><strong>If you have had an forklift truck accident, get in touch with the specialists work accident solicitors at Carrs to make a compensation claim. Call 01204 496898 today or fill our online contact form.</strong></p> Wed, 25 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000